The Internet is abuzz after Complex just broke the possible good news!

The picture above was sent to them from a very reliable source and seem to confirm the rumor that started not too long ago as, last month, Rihanna tweeted out an auction that offered a package for Kanye's yet-to-be-announced 2015 tour. Starting at $15,000, the auction offered 2 tickets and a meet-and-great-for the concert, a pair of Yeezy's, and autographed tour merchandise.
Stay tuned!

The picture above was sent to them from a very reliable source and seem to confirm the rumor that started not too long ago as, last month, Rihanna tweeted out an auction that offered a package for Kanye's yet-to-be-announced 2015 tour. Starting at $15,000, the auction offered 2 tickets and a meet-and-great-for the concert, a pair of Yeezy's, and autographed tour merchandise.
Stay tuned!
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